Wednesday 4 January 2012


Today, 4th of January, Me and Gwen re-filmed the "hanging scenes". We thought of the idea of not showing Tom pulling me away and tying me up ect. It all loooked abit messy and the lighting was obviously too dark. So filmed me already hung and opening my eyes, looking around the room. We tried to used pan shots and tracking. To do this, we held the tripod on a wheely chair. This made the filming smooth and not shaky. This time, when we got back to the editing room, we realised it didn't make sense. The scenes didn't flow from when the lights go off to then Me being tied up. We decided to re-think our idea and thought it was a bit to complicated but also didn't show many horror conventions. Although the scenes were dark and we had creepy sounds affects, we thought it needed to be more exciting yet simplar. So we have come up with a final idea which we are shooting lunch time and 5th lesson tomorrow.  The idea is: after the lights go off, Tom suddendly appears downstair infront of us and the lights come up. He then tells Gwen to go upstairs and wait whilst he interviews me, Rosy, when Gwen is upstairs she hears screams/banging noises. She is obviously concerened and runs down the stairs with a bat she finds to protect herself. When she gets to the bottom of the stairs, Rosy is sat tied up in the corner with a slit neck. There is blood on the floor and a knife.
We thought this is a better idea as it shows, blood and weapons yet it is still scary and doesn't reveal where Tom is and why he has done this. Also, is this a link to him staring at the gravestone in the begining? It gets the audience thinking and makes them watch more.

These are our scenes in order:
1. Tom by the gravestone/walking into house
2. Rosy and Gwen meet Tom and go downstairs
3. Lights go out, come back on and Tom is somehow downstairs
4. Gwen is sent upstairs
5. Gwen looking around upstairs, finds picture
6. Noises from downstairs
7. Gwen finds Rosy tied up and injured

Tomorrow we need to film scenes 4-7 which hopefully shouldn't take too long. This is a list of the props we are using;
- rope
- fake blood
- knife
- science jacket
- photo of children

- Ring around a Rosies children singing
- Screaming/crying
- Church bells
- Floor board creeks
- Tense horror/halloween song

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