Tuesday 18 October 2011

Video diary for Preliminary task

On Friday 14th of October, we used the schools flip cameras for our preliminary task within the school. Myself and Mia were the actors in the short film and Gwen filmed the different scenes, although at some points we all had ago. The first clip was of Mia running through the doors away from somebody. For this shot, we used the normal shot and followed her running through the corridor. We then thought it would be a good idea to have a shot of Mias feet running so we can flick between the two.  We then filmed Rosy walking though the doors follwing Mia, for this Gwen and Mia filmed it at a low angle shot so the audience may feel intimedated or scared by the character. Next, Gwen filmed Mia running into the girls toilets and hiding in a cubicle from Rosy. After this, we then had to think about our three differemt shots. The first one we film was the Match on Action. Gwen filmed me pushing open a door and then walking through the door from the inside of the toilets. When we edit this, it will look smooth asif there are two cameras being used, one in the toilets filming me walk in and one outside filming me walk in. The next shot was the shot/reverse shot, we had a short conversation between myself and Mia were Gwen film our faces individually talking. The final shot was the 180 degree rule were again, it was a conversation between me and Mia. Gwen filmed our faces from the side. 

On Monday 17th of October we went to edit our clips. Firstly, we put all the clips onto the editing system we used and watched all the clips back and picked our favourite.  Overall we took 27 clips. After we had picked the final 10 clips we cut each of the clips down and put them into the timeline.
So far, we have cut and put all the clips in order. Now all we need to do is add sound, and special effects.

On Friday 21st of October we went to edit our film and realised there was a problem, the video wouldn't open and we lost it. We decided to start again but it took 1 hour to complete and finish the editing including effects.

On Monday 24th of October, we watched it back and decided that it really wasn't that good and we wanted to do the editing again on Final Cut Pro.

This is the link to our original preliminary task: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=awMez-E62bs&feature=related

We edited two preliminary tasks as we did the first one on Windows Movie Maker as we didnt know how to use the mac and Final Cut Pro yet. Once we learnt, we decided it didn't look all together that good and the editing could of been smoother so decided to use the macs and use the system Final Cut Pro.

This is the link to our final preliminary task: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YzCz-vK55M&feature=related

We were a lot more pleased with our final outcome and thought it made more sense so the audience could understand.
From doing the preliminary task, it helped me understand some of the different camera shots we had to use for our main task which including match on action, shot reverse shot and over the shoulder. We also wanted to try and get as many different angles in as possible so it wasn't all the same, for example, Gwen filmed Mias feet from on the floor which, when we edited, we swaped from her feet to her body running. This implied that she was running fast and she was scared as the camera shots were fast and choppy.
   In the prelim task, we didn't use a tripod and sometimes this effect worked well as it added to the effect of fast paced and running away from something but most of the time it looked unproffesional and looked very shaky. We learnt to use a tripod in our main task which looks alot more proffesional. We also learnt that without props and costume, it didn't look realistc and scary so we knew from this we were going to have to find a good place to shoot and costumes ect to add to the horror theme.

I think our preliminary task is good as it shows all the shots needed and shows a variety of angles but the short, simply storyline doesn't make sense. We needed more clips so it became more understandable to an audience. When making our main task, we will keep this in mind and try and shoot as many clips as possible so we have a lot to choose from. We also obviously need to think about Mise en Scene, costume and props as our main task is a horror film so it needs to look realistic. Also, scary costumes/props adds the thriller affect. In our main task we will also add sound which adds a lot of tension and helps build to a climax. Not only will we have music throughout to add to atmosphere but also diegetic sound effects such as church bells, screams, creaking doors/floor and spooky ghostly sounds which help build tension and make it look realistic.

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