Wednesday 24 November 2010

First idea - Horror film opening

We firstly wanted to look at what type of horror films people like and what type of target audience are film will be suitable for. To do this, we made a short survey and asked people the same questions.

I created a a short questionnaire based on the horror film genre with simple questions to find out what our target audience is going to be. This survey was really helpful and gave me a good insite into why the audience likes/dislikes horror. I have asked 5 different people and given their responses for each question:

1. Do you like horror films?
Michael 46: Yes
Ella 20: No
Sarah 38: no
Chloe 18: Yes
Dom 17: Yes

2.If yes, what do you like about horror films?/If no, what dont you like about them?
Michael 46: I like not knowing whats going to happen
Ella 20: I dont like being jumped
Sarah 38: I dont like blood and gore
Chloe 18: I like the tension and the interesting storylines
Dom 17: I like blood and gore and being jumped

3. Where would you normally watch horror films?
Michael 46: With my children and wife at the cinema or at home.
Ella 20: i dont! But i wouldn't watch them on my own.
Sarah 38: At home with my family if i did.
Chloe 18: At the cinema with my friends or family.
Dom 17: With my friends or on my own.

4. What is your favourite horror sub-genre?
Michael 46: Thriller.
Ella 20: I dont like any.
Sarah 38: Sicological.
Chloe 18: Sicological.
Dom 17: Thriller or blood and gore.

From this questionnaire, it is clear that:
- M
ales prefer horror films to women, espeically teenage boys.
- Female prefer sicological films and boys prefer blood, gore and thriller.
- Most people would rather watch them for fun with friends or family.

- Most people prefer to watch the films at home in their own comfort zone.
- Younger boys would watch the films on there own.

From the help of our questionnaire, we have come up with a simple storyline for a first idea.

The name of the horror film we came up with is called 'The social experiment'. We thought instead of doing the usual, sterotypical zombies, murderers and scary monsters it would be more creepy and interesting but also easier to do with the budget/equipment to create a film that is phycologically scary. The basic storyline for the film is a man whos wife and daughter get killed by four people who were drink driving. He wants to get revenge on them so he sets up a social experiment and invites them to join in for 2 months and they will each get a reward of £1,000 if they do and complete it. Each of the four people, ellie, charlotte, dom and alex agree to do it and go along. Little do they know that the man is going to drive them crazy and torture them and eventually going to kill them or they will go so mad and loose the plot that they end up killing themselves.
First storyboard for first idea:

The first shot would be of the mother and daughter playing happily together being filmed by the father.
The next shot is an over the shoulder shot of the father watching the video back.

We would then have the film title and credits shown.

Three teenagers walk up to a building with a sign saying 'Social experiment' go in and meet a strange man who tells them to wait downstairs.

The lights suddenly go off. They find a tourch and look around the room. They dont know how the lights have been turned off.

The sound of footsteps are heard.

The three teenagers are huddled scared in the corner.

Footsteps are heard again.

The tourch rolls and there is hand being dragged backwards with blood.

The children are left to be tourtured.

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