Tuesday 13 November 2012

Preliminary Task

This is a link to my research and planning slide show i produce to help me create my preliminary idea.


These are screen shots from my slide show incase the link to my slide show on slideshare doesn't work.

From watching students preliminary tasks from previous year, i decided to keep my idea simple so that i can focus on and practise different camera movements, angles and shots so that when it come to filming my final task, i have the experience of what worked well and what doesn't.
My idea is two student girls out to kill another student girl. They are on a mission to find her, the reason why, the audience doesn't know but my main idea is to have quick different action shots of the two girls searching so i have to chance to try out different camera shots.
One of the main thing i noticed when watching other pupils was how smooth the editing was when it came to using differnt angles and shot of the same action. I want to try and do this when it comes to my editing and i also want to use Final Cut Pro which is the editing programme i will use to edit my final task so that i have practise. I dont want to worry too much about location, costume or storyline, my main focus is on camera movement, shots and editing.  


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