Wednesday 15 February 2012

Designing our film company logo.

From doing research on different film companies, i noticed that most of the logos were very simply with a plain black or white background with bold, capital font in a large font size saying the company name. Most of them had a small, simple picture of some sort that goes with the theme and type of film the film companies produce.

We found a font on '1001 fonts' called 'You Murderer which was perfect for our film institution. It looks like dripping blood.

We then put it into word and put it aginst a white background. We wanted to add something
and thought a moon crest would be creepy and an audience would be able to tell its a horror film company.

Unfortunately, we lost our work for our film company logo which meant on the final day of filming we had to quickly come up with a replacement which wasn't half as good. It is still called 'Fearsome films' but the logo is different. We had to make it quickly to reach our deadline so it isn't as good. It is a simple 3d font saying 'Fearsome films' in light grey and black.

We have decided to show our film company at the very begining of the film opening with the sound of the church bells over the top to immediately put the audience on edge. It will show for 3 seconds to give enough time for the audince to read. Along with the film company, at the begining of the film, the first 35seconds will also show the film credits and titles, for example 'Starring Rosy Vega'. We choose to do this at the begining rather then the end because the clips of Tom walking from the church at the begining is fairly boring and simple backgrounds which font could go on top. We thought it looked most effective here as there is no dialogue, on diegetic noise of church bells ringing and from watching different film openings, when the credits are being played, there is no dialogue, just sound creating the atmosphere of the film and setting the scene and mood. We didn't want the titles to distract away too much from the moving image so we made it black and a simple font. The colour black already suggests something bad is going to happen and danger is ahead for the two girls.

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